A “Ghost” of a chance?

We've settled on the platform Ghost to handle subscriptions and distribution. I'll send out this issue via Ghost.  You should see a “post” (the term for something arriving in your e-mail inbox sent out by a “platform”) today. The post will have two links giving you the choice of the two-column format (if you use a laptop) or the one-column format (cellphone). Click on the one you want, and viola this issue should show up in your download folder.


Below, in this post, you'll see the highlights of the issue.  Free subscribers will  (starting in November) only get that far.

Subscriptions! Bargains!

Speaking of subscribers, I will institute a “paywall” (another platform term) beginning with the first issue in November. You will get, for the meager payment of $2.50 per month (I'll make the proverbial comparison to a cup of coffee) the three issues of November (no issue Thanksgiving week) and the three issues of December (no issue Christmas week). In January, the subscription will go up to the (still low!) $5/month, a bit more than a buck an issue.

- Chalmers (I'll request payment after the 26 October issue)


Coastal Waters Commission will seek a third party to evaluate the launch project of the Island Rover, probably pushing off the launch (if approved) to 2024.

Shellfish Commission is continuing its revision of its governing ordinance to promote enhancement of the clamming resource.